Project year: 2014 – 2015 – Preliminary and main design
Client: City of Koprivnica
Area: 2400.00 sqm
Centre for Science and Research „InnoTech“ is intended for scientific research with the accompanying facilities of education and technology, and development purpose of innovative and competitive food products. The building is located in the new Koprivnica Campus, previously used as military base. Campus aims to enhance scientific research and development in order to increase competitive local economy and sustainability.
The project is currently obtaining a building permit and it is the foundation for European Structural Funds submission documentation.
Energy efficient and sustainable standards, renewable energy sources and quality materials, systems and technologies were incorporated in design process. These criteria provided optimal ratio between energy concept, building costs and energy expenditures.
Cost-benefit analysis determinated most efficient energy concept that acquired nearly zero-energy building standard for the InnoTech building.
The building is conceived as two interacting volumes forming an internal access square on one side, and an internal courtyard on the other side, reserved for external facilities.
Functionally, volumes are divided into technical and technological/processing facility and science, research and education facilities (laboratories, offices, and sensory evaluation and education premises intended for interaction with external users).
In accordance with a green vision of the whole Campus area, the concept, materials, installations and equipment of the building are adjusted for low-energy consumption with maximum use of renewable energy sources.